January 22, 2010

Acid Mackerel

Indonesian Acid Mackerel Recipes -


* 4 pieces ikan kembung (cleaned and gutted)
* 1 large onion (sliced)
* 4 to 8 pieces ladies finger (whole or halved)
* 2 large tomatoes (quartered)
* 1 cup warm water
* 1 cup asam juice (soak 1 tablespoon of asam / tamarind paste in 1 1/2 cup water for 15 minutes, squeeze and then strain juice)
* Corn starch (mix 1 teaspoon corn flour with 100 ml water)
* Cooking oil (palm oil)

Chilli paste (pound / blend)

* 2 slices of tumeric (kunyit)
* 5 pieces of dried chilli (pre-soaked in hot water and remove seeds)
* 4 garlic* 8 shallots


* Salt and sugar to taste


  • Pat dry the ikan kembung and shallow fry it till semi brown. Set aside.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons palm oil in wok and saute chilli paste on medium heat till aromatic and beginning to brown. Add onions and continue frying for 30 seconds. Pour asam juice and warm water and bring to boil.
  • Once asam juice starts to boil, add ladies finger and tomatoes and allow to boil for 2 minutes. Add pre-fried fish and seasoning to taste. Allow fish to cook under boiling asam juice for at least 1 minute.
  • Before dishing out, stir in preferred amount of corn starch to thicken and smoothen the gravy to your liking. This dish is excellent if you garnish or top it with chopped chinese parsley.

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