December 22, 2009

Japanese Meatballs in Sweet Soy Sauce (Niku Dango)

Japanese Meatballs in Sweet Soy Sauce (Niku Dango) Recipe -

Ingredients :

For meatballs

* 8 ounces ground pork
* 2 ounces lettuce, finely chopped
* 3 ounces carrots, finely grated
* 1 tablespoon sake
* 1 pinch salt
* 1/2 beaten egg
* 1 tablespoon cronflour
* 1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)

For the sauce

* 4 tablespoons water
* 1 tablespoon sake
* 1 tablespoon mirin
* 1 tablespoon caster sugar
* 1 tablespoon light soy souce
* 2 tablespoons corn flour

Directions :
  • Mix together all the ingredients for the meatballs in a bowl. Knead the mixture until the ingredients are well combined. The beaten egg should give a stickiness to the rest of the mixture, holding it together.
  • Take a small amount of the mixture -slightly less than a tablespoon) in your hand and mould it into a ball. Continue until the meatball mixture is used up.
  • Fill a pan about one-third full of cooking oil. Heat oil to 350ºF and deep fry the meatballs until brown, about 5 minute (Turn meatballs halfway to ensure they are browned evenly.).
  • Remove meatballs to plate lined with absorbent paper, to drain off excess oil.
  • Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a pan. Mix them together over a low heat, stirring until the sauce has thickened.
  • Add the meatballs to the pan and roll them around in the pan until they are all covered with the sauce.
  • Pour the meatballs with sauce onto a serving plate and serve!

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